Builder's Trend Report
The MMT SearchNet Builder Trend Report provides an in-depth analysis of the new single family construction market of a county. This report tracks builder market share, subdivision sales, permitting information, and sales volumes of single family home builders. The report shows current market activity and compares the current month to the same month of the previous year, the previous month, and to year-to-date. The tables of this report describe the current status and direction of trends in the new single family home market.
Analytical Tables in Builder Trend Report
- Number of transactions by builder, by month, of new single family home sales
- Dollar value of transactions by builder, by month, for new single family home sales
- Number of transactions, by builder, by year-to-date for new single family home sales
- Dollar value of transactions by builder, by year-to-date, for new single family home sales
- Number of transactions by subdivision for new single family home sales
- Dollar value of transactions by subdivision for new single family home sales
- Number of transactions by subdivision by year-to-date for new single family home sales
- Dollar value of transactions by subdivision by year-to-date for new single family home sales
Features of Builder’s Trend Report
- Both monthly & year-to-date total on tables
- Graphs that reflect selected tables in a concise manner
- Average and median prices for single family homes

Builder’s Trend Report Information Sources
- Recorded Deeds (County Courthouse)
- Recorded Mortgages (County Courthouse)
- Property Tax Roll (State D.O.R.)
- Master Appraisal File (County Property Appraiser)
- MMT Proprietary Sources
- Residential Building Permits